How To Utilize An Anti Static Wrist Strap

An anti static wrist strap, or ESD wrist strap, is an important piece of prophylactic gear yous need in any anti static or ESD preventative program.

I'm often questioned near the bones items for protection from static discharge.  A quality wrist strap, like our patented anti static wrist strap WS-1020, is a must take item.

Information technology'southward not uncommon to hear hobbyists and others say 'Oh, I don't bother using a wrist strap.  I just touch some metallic to belch any static before I touch my work."

The reality is that'due south like driving a automobile with the doors locked only non using a seatbelt. Yeah, you lot may be perfectly fine but there are numerous examples where that doesn't offering reliable protection.

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Static Discharge

When speaking with someone about what it is nosotros industry at Static Solutions I usually brainstorm by talking about static.

Hither'due south my go-to-story.  Remember being a kid, rubbing your feet on carpet and so touching a metallic door knob, Television, or a sibling/friend.  Exercise you recall getting a zap?  That is a static discharge.

As a kid the results can range from laughter to aggravating. (depending if you lot are the zapper or the zappie!)

When it comes to working with high tech equipment, circuit boards, explosives, in operating rooms and other areas where static is of concern, a static belch can exist expensive, time consuming, annoying or depending on the situation, deadly.

Often a static discharge isn't noticed.  However simply because you aren't enlightened of it doesn't mean it didn't crusade  a loss of functioning, immediate harm or a future failure.

When information technology comes to fuel, explosives and some chemicals, a spark tin can be the beginning of an explosion, fire, injury or expiry.

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What Is An Anti Static Wrist Strap

An anti static wrist strap is worn past the user and in essence gives a fashion for a static discharge to leave you lot and safely belch to the ground.

The wrist strap is ofttimes a bright colour, easily seen past others and a proficient visual reminder to the user. The wrist strap should be comfy and fit snug to permit a proper connection.

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anti static wrist strap line at Static Solutions

How Does It Piece of work

A static discharge from you travels to the wrist strap from a direct connexion to your skin. That discharge then follows a path from the wrist strap to the cord then on until information technology reaches ground and is safely prodigal. (Please note, constant monitors, mats, grounding points and other extensions of a path tin can too exist on the mode to footing.)

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Why Employ An Anti Static Wrist Strap

The unproblematic answer is to accept a step to insure whatsoever static discharge has a way to go from you lot to basis.

Equally mentioned above a static discharge can result in damage to whatever you lot are working on.  Wouldn't you rather avoid that from happening? Your work is important and repeating each step because of damage isn't how almost people want to spend their time.

By wearing your wrist strap you've taken one major step towards preventing a damaging static discharge. You lot also ready the tone every bit a professional for your peers, manager and anyone who may written report to you.

It's not uncommon on hobby/interest boards and groups online to encounter very little adherence to ESD procedures.  Visit whatever major company or start up and you will see all the steps they accept to exist compliant when information technology comes to ESD.

While information technology may also be a requirement of your employer that yous wear a wrist strap my judge is you hold yourself to a higher standard.  You know the corporeality of time, energy and effort you've put in towards your career and y'all are professional.

You lot demand more of yourself than anyone so doing your best, peculiarly when all it takes is something as easy equally wearing a wrist strap.  It'due south just i additional fashion you show how powerful you truly are when it comes to your career path.

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What Colour

The colors of wrist straps don't bespeak whatsoever level of protection.  A brightly colored wrist strap allows for a quick visual that the person is wearing their ESD/anti static equipment.  They also stand up out on a workbench or table making it easier to detect and put on.

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How Oft Should An Anti Static Wrist Strap Be Replaced

In that location is no specific rule on a lifespan of a wrist strap. Any company policies should be followed on replacements but a good general rule of thumb is to look at the overall utilise, possible wear and cleanliness of your individual wrist strap.

Often companies determine a guideline on replacing them annually, semi-annually or quarterly.

This pocket-size alter can often feel adept for those that utilize a wrist strap daily and especially those who share a wrist strap at a common workbench or workstation.

It can be a modest investment in employee satisfaction to have an upgrade to the tools and equipment on a regular ground.  Replacing a wrist strap can exist a small but stiff point from management that the visitor cares about proper ESD procedures.

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ESD Mats & Rolls

Left or Right

Which wrist you make up one's mind to vesture your anti static wrist strap on is frequently a matter of personal preference.

If you have the grounding point for the wrist strap cord on your left you may discover wearing the wrist strap on your left makes the most sense.  That way the cord isn't dragging across your work.

Even so, you lot may detect that information technology is better for y'all to move the grounding indicate to your right and so vesture the wriststrap on your right paw.

If you share a workbench/workspace with others and some of you have a preference for the left and some for the right we offer ii grounding snaps on each mat and tin can hands place them to your preference on an ESD mat.  Allow u.s.a. know your preference when ordering your adjacent mat.

Speaking of left or right, some people notice information technology best to wearable the wrist strap on their talocrural joint and so their hands are free from any cords.  This is frequently the case in surgical rooms, labs and some make clean rooms.

Again, personal preference and company policies should be considered.

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Remember This

Once you realize you should take every pace you can to not create an improper static discharge one of the biggest obstacles to overcome is remembering to wear the wrist strap.

Here is where the simplicity of having a routine can be effective. Develop an easy to follow ready of steps you take each time and yous will find greater success in developing a habit.

You may determine every bit shortly as you approach your ESD work area the first thing you lot exercise is put on your wrist strap and verify you are continued to ground.

Make information technology fun!  Create an accountability with others on your squad.  Brand a game betwixt you and your co-workers.If they see you without a wrist strap on they can 'call y'all on it' and you then buy them their java at the next break!

Make information technology enjoyable and a style that works all-time for you lot.

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Don't Believe The Hype

Ane myth, or misunderstanding, is to employ a wrist strap properly all you lot demand to do is connect it with an alligator clip to a reckoner or whatever you are working on, and you are good to go.

This at best equalizes you to the surface y'all are continued to merely does not work on grounding yous, or let a way for whatever static to belch properly. To accomplish that you demand to connect to a grounded mat or basis in another way to provide the path for a discharge to safely flow.

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The Future Of Wrist Straps

Occasionally I go asked about 'wireless' wrist straps. While the simplicity of not having a wire connected to a wrist strap sounds like a great idea the technology of how a path is created for a belch hasn't yet been perfected and there is no recognized professional agreement that this is effective.

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In The End

Wearing an anti static wrist strap is really simple and one time y'all develop the habit it will go 2nd nature for yous.

In the stop you lot will exist taking one more footstep towards doing the best you tin can and that is all anyone tin ask.

Share your feedback and thoughts below and equally this information is updated I'll contain some of your ideas and tips.


You lot are powerful!  Exist grounded.

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